الاستثمار العقاري

How to increase your profits in real estate investment!

Increasing your percentage of profits in real estate investment requires some basics and rules that you must know in order to achieve a successful and guaranteed investment return. Follow the following:

1- Choose a reliable real estate developer

Choosing a reliable real estate developer with a big name in the field of real estate development is one of the most important factors, so you must make sure that:

Having a strong work history
Projects are delivered on time
See prices
Payment plans and payment methods
Ensure profit return

2- Market study and analysis

Study the local real estate market and find out the location of the most distinguished project for investment, and look at current prices, rents, economic and political information affecting the market.

3- Choosing the appropriate location and location for investment

Carefully choose a vital location that has the necessary services and is easy to access in a manner consistent with the type of your investment.

4- Determine the expected financial return on investment

By determining the expected return from the property based on the average current rental prices in the region and the percentage of investment return over recent years.


How do you start in real estate investing?

Before starting, it is necessary to follow the conditions of the real estate market by knowing the areas with the highest demand, as there are important steps that will help you evaluate the strength of the investment, which are:

Constantly monitor prices
Choose areas with high demand and suitable for your financial plan
Ensure the availability of all necessary services

These steps will help you evaluate the strength of the unit for real estate investment. The presence of basic services and means of living such as markets, schools, and public transportation within the area will also help you increase demand for your project and ease of access to it.



Benefits of real estate investment:

Real estate investment usually achieves guaranteed profit and a change for the better in an individual’s financial situation if it is managed in an ideal way. There are some benefits from real estate investment, which are:

1- Protecting capital from economic inflation: Real estate is considered the only constant in light of the collapse of other investment methods in the market. This means that real estate is not affected by changes in economic inflation that occur in the market, unlike other investment projects, because the real estate investment strategy is consistent with the phenomenon of inflation. Economic.

2- High financial return: Real estate investment provides an ideal and guaranteed way to provide a large financial return and a source of cash that exceeds any other investment method.

3- Real estate investment in commercial units is considered one of the most successful and profitable types of investment, due to the higher rents of commercial projects than the prices of any other projects.

Is real estate investment safe?

You must know that real estate investment is one of the areas with almost guaranteed profits and a safe source, so many individuals or companies turn to it, and its benefits are many, including:

1- Continuously increasing the value of the property

It is known that the real estate market is always in a state of continuous activity and its prices are increasing, which guarantees the owner guaranteed gains and guarantees the market permanent activity.

2- Monthly or annual profit return

One of the advantages of real estate investment is the presence of a fixed profit return, whether monthly or annually, through renting or selling real estate on an ongoing basis to the property owner.

3- Flexibility in changing real estate activity

You can legally and easily change your real estate activity from residential to commercial or vice versa. Therefore, real estate investment is characterized by extreme flexibility

4- It does not require much experience


جيوا للتطوير العقاري

تمتلك شركة جيوا خبرة كبيرة فى مجال التطوير العقاري, وتعتبر من أهم الشركات الموثوق بها فى المجال وتنوعت ما بين الإداري والتجاري والطبي بمدة تجاوزت ال٢٠ عاما

ومن اقوي مشاريعها :


  • مول One plaza الأول من نوعه بجوار نادى التجمع الاول وسط أهم معالم القاهرة الجديدة امام كمبوند سوان ليك بواجهة تجارية 82م على محور مصطفى كامل.


  • مول Z.spot مشروع متميز يقع مباشرة على طريق وصلة دهشور، ينقسم المشروع الى تجاري,اداري,طبي وسط أهم معالم الحيوية بقلب الشيخ زايد.
  • مول Aiangle City Mall  بموقع استثنائي يقع في منطقة النرجس فيلات بجانب فندق توليب بدخلة صريحة من التسعين الجنوبي ومحور محمد نجيب وعلى بعد دقيقة من شارع جمال عبد الناصر ودا هيخليك قريب من كل الخدمات اللى هتحتاجها وسط اقوى المناطق الحيوية داخل التجمع الخامس.
شركة چيوا للتطوير العقاري هي الاختيار الأفضل للاستثمار

لأنها تتميز باختيارها لأفضل المناطق الحيوية التي تتميز بجميع الخدمات اللازمة لضمان أعلى عائد ربحي من الاستثمار لجميع عملائها,

وتسعى دائما  لتوفير فرص استثمارية مختلفة والحرص على تسليم مشروعاتها بأفضل صورة ممكنة قبل الجدول الزمني المحدد.

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